Eater’s 38 Essential Detroit Restaurants

Dime Store's Breakfast Burrito

The answer usually flies off the tongue, but on occasion, when the asker has already visited your go-to spot or is looking for something specific, a little help is welcome.

Enter Eater Detroit with its list of 38 Essential Detroit Restaurants. The Essential 38 is not necessarily the most buzz-worthy restaurants in the City, Eater explains, rather “restaurants that represent the city’s flavor, history, and style.”

Among the “city’s key dining establishments,” writes Brenna Houck, “diners flock daily to Dime Store for its consistently attentive service and delicious menu that includes items like duck bop hash, spicy pork belly eggs benedict, and a duck reuben sandwich.”

Thank you, Eater, for thinking of us — and for the handy answers to the age-old question.